Thursday 11 July 2013

Day 5 - Tsukji Fish Market and Shibuya at night

A very tired person is writing this. I woke up this morning at 4:45 to go to Tsukji Fish Market, and I actually had a really great time! I found my way to Sushi Dai very quickly, and almost immediately struck up a conversation with a couple from New York. There was a man with his two adult sons in front of us, and he joined in to the conversation. The New Yorkers left the line after a short time and I carried on talking to this man. He asked a lady, and she said that the waiting time was 3 hours, but we stayed in the line for a while, maybe 45minutes. Then he asked again, and she told us 3 hours, so his sons headed off in search of a shorter line.

They succeeded, and I followed them to a much kinder looking line that was in the shade and still long enough for me to be able to work up an appetite and be convinced that it was a decent establishment. The man I was talking to, Louis, was originally from Colombia, and had done some serious travelling in his time, including walking 900km across Spain. Twice!

We waited in line maybe a total of two hours, but time flies when you're in good company, and it didn't feel so long.

I found out that we had actually joined the line for Sushi Daiwa, which I had also read rave reviews about, so that made me smile. It was nice to know where I was going to be eating, considering how long I had waited.

It was worth the wait. There were two benches, that each sat about 11 people, and we were given probably the freshest sushi I will ever taste. My favourite had to be the Toro - Tuna Belly. It was so sweet and soft, it almost melted in my mouth. There was also sea urchin and yellowtail and cuttlefish, as well as normal tuna, eel and shrimp. It was delish.

I do wish however, that I had better chopsticks skills, or the ability to put a whole piece of sushi in my mouth at once. I would have been so much more...less embarrassing.

Oh well!

I wandered around the fish market for about 15 mins after that, but it was still only 8:15, I would have to wait another 45minutes for the wholesale market to open, and I had said goodbye to my friend, so I decided to head home for a nap, after taking a few more pictures.

I went home and napped, then I did some much needed planning till about 3:20, at which time I headed to Shibuya. I wanted to see the lights at nighttime, and I also wanted to check out this food stall place called Ebisu Yokocho, but the thing is, Ebisu Yokocho only become lively at around 8pm. So I wandered around Shibuya a bit, then took a train to Ebisu, then sat in a McDonalds for about an hour and a half till it was 7:30. The yokocho was a cool place, more crowded as I went further down the indoor street, but it was mainly a drinking spot with some food on the side, and I felt like it would have been a fun place to go to with a friend. So I didn't stay long, I just had some yakitori, then went back to Shibuya.

Shibuya at night is worth a visit. It was so cool. I stepped out and everything was lit up and there were so many people at the crossing, it was crazy. It just had a great atmosphere, buzzing. 

I enjoyed wandering around for a good half hour, then I went home, arriving at half 9 and completely shattered, which is why I finished this post this morning  :P

Today I am definitely going to the Metropolitan Government builiding tonight for the view, and during the day I'm going to hang around Ueno Koen, go to the zoo, the science museum etc. Should be fun!

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