Friday 19 July 2013

Day 12 - Going to Matsumoto

Blue skies outside my window this morning got me very excited, so I packed up quickly and shot outside to get a good view of Fuji. But alas! It was not to be, for Fujisan was still shrouded in a thick blanket of grey, while the rest of the sky was bright blue. I was not too dejected, however, as today would be the day that I made the journey to Matsumoto, the city with the famous(ish) castle!

From Matsumoto, I took a train to Otsuki, and from there I started to use my JR pass. I took a train to Kofu, and from there I took another train to Matsumoto. It took me 3 to 4 hours all in all. I got outside and saw a big sign that told me it was 36 degrees. Thankfully, it isn’t humid, so it’s bearable. Having said that, as soon as I found my room I wacked the AC on and lay on the tatami floor in my underwear for a good 20 minutes. It was necessary.

After I while, I re-clothed and considered my options. I’d really like to go to an onsen (hot spring) and apparently there are a few options in Matsumoto, so I plugged into t’internet here and had a look. I found a really nice sounding one, but I decided to visit tomorrow when I have more time. For the rest of today I just sort of wandered around town. I found a cool place to eat after a while, where they give you a pot of this runny sauce/broth, and you pick out some skewers of stuff which they coat in breadcrumbs and deep fry, then you dip the skewers in the sauce and eat it. It was really good, but for some reason I felt slightly awkward in there. They spoke no English, but that’s hardly different to most other places…maybe it was just because there weren’t many people in there. I don’t know. The food was great though :D

Went home after dinner, took a shower, spoke to Dad, and went to futon.

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