Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 17 - Nara

My friend-for-the-day and I went to Nara today. That rhymed.

It was really nice, we walked around all three of the major temples, which included the second-highest pagoda in Japan, the biggest sitting Buddha in the world (I think) and 3000 stone lanterns.


Very tall friend-for-the-day

Big Buddha


We also walked to this small pond with a bridge that was very scenic. The weirdest part was all the random deer just wandering around. They were not shy, they'd eat from your hands! It was just really bizarre. They were like the pigeons of Nara...that eat from you hands...maybe that wasn't the best comparison...

Anyway, it didn't take us long to go around, we were back on the train to Kyoto by 10 past 2. My friend left to go to Osaka at the train station, and I took the subway home.

Sorry for the short post today but I just don't feel like I have all that much more to say! It was just a nice day out with good views and nice temples and deer and company.

Ooh, and the seats on the train were really cool.

I've found a spider in my room and have named him Carlos because he looks like one.

We have an understanding...

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