Friday 2 August 2013

Day 27 - Souvenir Shopping...and a great last meal

I went back to Asakusa today, and had some yummy treats while I was there, all of which were filled with a sweet red bean paste. I also bought a drink from this funny guy on the street.

My favourite souvenirs I bought were chopsticks. I just loved buying them, I felt like I was in a wand shop! The type of wood matters and the length matters and they were so beautiful.


Then I went home, and I had a nice chat for a few hours with Aiko and the mum, before going to the station with the mum to pick up the French girl who I am sharing a room with tonight. She is lovely, it's a shame I wont get to spend more time with her.

I also went to the supermarket to get my Dad some Nikka whisky and Sake. I later discovered in a different supermarket the Nikka 'From the Barrel' whisky I had wanted to buy, that the other supermarket didn't have. So I went home, collected the original bottle, returned it to the first place, then went and bought the other bottle. This whisky had better be pretty amazing. Not that I'll be able to tell anyway :P

The mum made a big dinner and we all ate together, it was so nice. I'm glad we all got to eat together for my last dinner. I wont be forgetting this family anytime soon.

I went upstairs and packed after dinner, which took ages because of all the new stuff I've bought, but I had company so it wasn't so bad.

I can't believe I leave tomorrow. This has gone so fast.

My last post, Day 28, will be up later than usual. I'll probably write it up on Sunday morning when I'm back in Derby.

Lots of love to everyone still reading.

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